
Originally from New England, U.S.A., Christopher Elliot has lived for the last five years in Ribaute, a little village in the Corbières region in the south of France. He recieved a degree as designer from Rhode Island School of Design (R.I.S.D.). Having worked as an effects specialist in Hollywood, Elliot married and the couple moved abroad to France, lived and worked in the Mid-East and returned to Europe to concentrate on his personal artistic production as painter.
He has shown and sold his work throughout both Europe, the States as well as the Mid-East and India.
Originaire de Nouvelle Angleterre (U.S.A.), il habite et travail depuis cinq ans à Ribaute, Aude. Il est diplômé de l’Ecole de Design de Rhode Island (R.I.S.D.). Après avoir longtemps travaillé sur l’image (effets spéciaux pour le cinéma, publicité ou campagne visuelle), il a pu se consacrer uniquement à sa production personnelle.
Il a exposé et vendu ses oeuvres mondialement, Europe, les Etats Unis, le Moyen Orient et l'Inde.